Framework : Practices, Conditions & Mindsets for Place-based Change

Our Place-Based Change Visual is a developing framework that explores the necessary conditions and practices for effective place-based change, and the skills and mindset that Place Matters holds in our work.
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Our place-based change framework was inspired by the Tamarack Institute's Five Interconnected Practices for Community Change
What is this framework?

This framework provides an overview of the mindsets, conditions and practices commonly required in place-based systems change work. It brings together multiple other frameworks, including Collective Impact and Tamarack's five core practices as well as Place Matters own thoughts on the skills and mindsets that so often are at the core of this work. Often with projects, the emphasis is on changes in process, structure and funding; this framework however, highlights the importance of mindsets and skills which create the roots or foundations of the work, followed by having the right conditions, giving rise to day to day practices represented by the leaves and fruits of the tree.

What could this framework be used for?

Here at Place Matters, we use this framework to explain some key elements we feel is necessary to work in a place-based way, and the skills and perspectives we bring to the work when collaborators work with us.

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