
What we do

All of our activities seek to enable communities to take action within a place, inform a wider collaborative movement of place-based change, and influence the wider system through evidence, insight and learning.

Enable Illustration


Enabling diverse people and organisations to come together and collaborate within a place to act on the things that matter to them the most and enable them to thrive. We do this by helping diverse teams build collaborations that create equitable and inclusive ways of working.

See some examples of our work
Learn illustration


Connecting communities and organisations between places to share learning and inspiration, building a wider movement for change. We do this by building and sharing collective knowledge to accelerate change in individual places and amplify their infuence on the wider system.

See some examples of our work
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Convening and influencing local, regional and national systems that operate beyond places to change the system conditions preventing communities from thriving. We do this by helping places collect and communicate evidence of both the need for change and the effectiveness of community-led change.

See some examples of our work