Framework : Types of Place-Based Work

Our Types of Place-Based Work Diagram is a developing framework that encourages collaborations to consider how they want to engage with place-based working.
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Our place-based work matrix enables collaborations ask collaborations where their energy for change is, and what is their main approach?
What is this framework?

Place-based work is shaped by the unique local environment and the people, organisations and assets involved in the work. While no framework can encompass the full complexity, they can aim to provide a common way of seeing and understanding a collaborative effort.

This framework looks at two dimensions of place-based working initiatives:

1) Where the energy for change originated? Is it a more top-down initiative started by larger organisations or grassroots driven?

2) what is the main approach to change? Is it driven by programme delivery or by collaborative, cross-sector systems change approach?

How could this framework be used?

The matric can be helpful for collaborations to be intentional about where they want to be long these two dimensions.

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