Interconnected practice for community and systems impact by Tamarack Institute

Tamarack Institute explored their framework for change, made up of five interconnected practices for community and systems impact. It is a visual they use to demonstrate how they collaborate to achieve true, lasting impact.
Taramack institute Diagram

The Tamarack Institute in Canada, widely regarded as a global leader in place-based change explains their practice framework for working with communities to create a systemic impact.

The article summarises what they regard as key practice principles and the approaches to creating change. Much of this builds on what will be already familiar to those using a collective impact approach, but there are some developments in their approaches, for example, looking for "multi-solving" solutions that tackle multiple priorities and co-designing with communities as a method for deep community participation.

The framework describes itself as an interconnected set of practices and it is in connecting the elements of practice in place-based and systemic change that make this a particularly helpful framework.

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