The Water of Systems Change by FSG

Written by FSG, The Water of Systems Change aims to clarify what it means to shift the conditions to increase the odds for systems change success .
Place Matters - Theory of Place and Systems Change.pptx

This article from FSG outlines a framework designed to help funders, practitioners, and policymakers understand and drive systems change, particularly in place-based and collective impact work. The framework focuses on shifting six interrelated conditions that hold social problems in place. These conditions are divided into three categories: Explicit conditions such as policies and practices; Semi-explicit conditions such as relationships and power dynamics; Implicit conditions such as mindsets and deeply held beliefs.

The framework emphasizes the need to go beyond just changing policies or funding streams. Successful systems change requires addressing underlying power imbalances and cultural beliefs that sustain the status quo. By tackling both the visible and invisible conditions of systems, stakeholders can create more lasting and transformative impacts.

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