Place Matters works in partnership with organisations and communities to create community-centred place-based change. All of the place-based work that we support tackles the wider causes of inequality and social injustice in communities, addressing multiple barriers faced by those dealing with poverty, exclusion and disadvantage.
All of our activities seek to enable communities to take action within a place, inform a wider collaborative movement of place-based change, and influence the wider funding and policy system through evidence, insight and learning.
Place Matters initially formed in 2019 as an informal collaborative of people and organisations who believed that the UK needed a core infrastructure for shared learning and practice development that would enable community-centred, place-based change to thrive.
Our Learning Hub is an open-source library for change makers and organisations. Drawing on UK and international practice experience, this space is for practitioners to access key resources, find relevant up-to-date articles, participate in learning events, and view the wider eco-system of place-based change makers via our interactive map.