
Welcome to our stories page - here you’ll find a collection of insights and learnings from place-based work, alongside our team and partners’ thoughts and reflections.
Place-based working : More than the sum of its parts through building fields of practice
Exploring how field building could be a solution to straddling the need for community centred place-based work and influencing systems change.
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A ball of multicoloured strings
Collective Impact for Stanford Social Innovation Review
Large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention of individual organizations.
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Collective Impact 3.0 by Tamarack Institute
As part of Tamarack Institute's Community Change Series 2016, Mark Cabaj and Liz Weaver put forward fresh thinking around five ways to build the next iteration of the Collective Impact Framework.
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Five people help each other to stand on each others shoulders in a triangle to hold a balanced weighing scale
Centering Equity in Collective Impact for Stanford Social Innovation Review
Article for the Standford Social Innovation Review by J. Kania, J. Williams, P. Schmitz, S. Brady, M Kramer & J Splansky Juster reports on using the collective impact approach and how it has taught them equity is key.
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The framework moves through four stages: Understanding place, community power and collaborative leadership, Systems change and impact area
Framework : Theory of Place and Systems Change
Our Theory of Place is a developing framework that explores the complexity, nuances and stages of place-based work.
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A cog with arrows inside pointing both left and right
Framework : Funder Role Continuum
Our Funder Role Continuum is a developing framework that encourages funders to consider what they want the role and influence of their funding to be.
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Field Building for Population-Level Change by The Bridgespan Group
The Bridgespan Group report on how funders and practitioners can increase the odds of success and collaborate to accelerate social impact. Written by L. Farnham, E. Nothmann, Z. Tamaki, and C. Daniels.
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Upside down triangle diagram stating the six conditions of systems change
The Water of Systems Change by FSG
Written by FSG, The Water of Systems Change aims to clarify what it means to shift the conditions to increase the odds for systems change success .
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Venn diagram with Community & Systems Impact ath the centre, Principles at one side, Approaches at the other. All linked by skills
Interconnected practice for community and systems impact by Tamarack Institute
Tamarack Institute explored their framework for change, made up of five interconnected practices for community and systems impact. It is a visual they use to demonstrate how they collaborate to achieve true, lasting impact.
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The End of Poverty: Eight pathways that are ending poverty in Canada by Tamarack Institute
This guide presents high-impact policies, evidence-based models, and innovative ideas that poverty reduction practitioners across all sectors can act as we work collectively toward the end of poverty in Canada.
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